Thursday, March 04, 2021

Aloe Vera

 Aloe Vera is used both inside the body and out side the body. A few of the ways it helps inside the body is digestive system (health concerns with stomach, intestine, ulcers, etc), cardiovascular concerns (high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels), diabetes (concerns with unstable blood sugar levels), arthritis (joint pain).

Outside the body Aloe Vera is know to aid burns and other skin problems. Aloe Vera is good for us and animals.

Thursday, June 04, 2020

So you have made up your mind to lose some weight,

So you have made up your mind to lose some weight, or may be somebody has told you need to lose some weight. Or it could be that your clothes are getting a bit tight and you think that it is time to lose weight.
Whatever the reason, good for you. People do this all the time; say to themselves" I am going to lose weight" and off they go. How long does it last? Have you tried it before and got to the end of the first week and that's that. Or maybe you went the whole nine yards and lost two or three stone, only to have it come right back on?
Losing weight and gaining it again is a very sad affair. Much like the man who has given up smoking hundreds of times. To do it right you have got to do it once and to do it once in the right manner. The weight loss will need to start in your mind.
This is called positive psychology or in every day language you could use the word "mindfulness".
The use of mindful is of great potential benefit to people in all aspects of life. As well as saying what mindful is it is also important to say what it is not and that is true to say that for most people mindful is not normal state for most people.
If you think about it the way that most people go about their lives is worrying about the past or worrying about the future. Very few people are aware of what they are doing right now.
The future is by definition uncontrollable, filled with paradoxes, mysteries and confusions. So it is that the future will always be for most of us scary. We spend all our time and our thoughts being concerned about the future trying to build up protections against this imperfect world. Preparing for it and also fearing it.
As for the past, well it has happen and there is no way that you can change it. Sure we all did things that we wish we had not done but there is nothing that you can do about it now.
It is these thoughts that determine much of our lives. There is only one way to give ourselves some sort of peace and control and that is to live now.
Mindfulness is about being focused on now; staying in the moment. Accepting for what it is because it is here now.
This practice of being mindful and fully aware is a great way to improve your health and you weight. Only you can control what you do and how you live and it will all start in your mind.
I would advise you to start looking at this as a way of living. It will not be easy to start with but in the long run it is the only true way to being at peace with yourself and those around you.
Richard Haigh writes articles about Aloe Vera to help you to use Aloe Vera for your on going health. Richard also collects and publishes "tips" on the use of the many Aloe Vera products. Find out more from his popular free site, available at:

Article Source:

Friday, October 10, 2014

Winter is on the way

This week's product tip:
As winter approaches, it is a good idea to check that you have all your need in your bath room cupboard. Aloe Vera Gelly is always top of my list. So useful for anything 'skin': cuts,chaps and all the rest. Also very useful for applying to your face before using an electric shaver. I am not saying it is the be all and end all for skin problems; just that I would never be without it.

 To buy your Aloe Vera Gelly email me      

Winter is on the way

Monday, July 01, 2013

Aloe Lips

 If you need to remove your eye makeup but have  run out of eye makeup remover? 
Why not try using Aloe Lips -  you will find that it does not  make your eyes sting and aloe lips is also great for removing even waterproof mascara.  Another  added benefit is that it acts as a great softener for the eyelashes as well!  

Look at our Aloe Lips Here

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Aloe Vera for a Burnt Mouth

Most people are aware that Aloe Vera will heal burns but did you know that you can also drink it as a health drink! Aloe Vera in this form is not only a health tonic but cannot also be used to help heal burns internally. For instance, if you drink very hot coffee or any other hot drink and burn your month, then just take a swill of Aloe Vera for about 30 seconds before swallowing and it will find that it will do the trick.

Friday, January 18, 2013

I have found this on amazon at a greatly reduced price: Skin Obsession 40% Glycolic Acid Peel for Acne, Scars, Age Spots & Lines by Skin Obsession reduced from a $100 to $16.99 just click the link below:

Thursday, December 06, 2012

How Aloe Can Help Pregnant Ladies!

 I would like to congratulate the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the news that they are expecting their first child.

 This event reminds me of how pregnant ladies can deal with back pain using Aloe Vera Heat Lotion.

Get your husband to rub the Heat Lotion into your back; this will help with the pain and also the smell can be really calming.