Sunday, March 25, 2007

Herbal Healing and IBS help

Today is Sunday and here in the UK we have put our clocks a shorter day to day!
I will leave you to work that one out.....mean while I have come across a very good book called:

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies


ISBN 0895298694

Some times I see no reason to try to improve on a perfect review of a book I like. I got this and refer to it all the time. So here, let me treat you to some of the things has to say about the book:

Book Description
Prescription for Herbal Healing brings to herbal medicine the same in-depth, easy-to-understand information and accessible style that Prescription for Nutritional Healing successfully brought to diet and nutritional supplements. This book is divided into three parts for easy reference.
Part I discuss the basic principles of herbal medicine and outline the properties and characteristics of some one hundred sixty single herbs and sixty herbal combination formulas.

Part II describes more than one hundred fifty common disorders, conveniently arranged in alphabetical order from acne to yeast infection, and names the herbal therapies that can be used in the treatment of those conditions.

Part III is a guide to using various kinds of herbal and other alternative therapies. In addition, it includes self-diagnostic tests and boxed insets throughout, which offer detailed information on a wide variety of topics. Prescription for Herbal Healing is the definitive herbal resource and is a necessity for any health-conscious consumer.

I have just added to my site an Article: How I beat IBS......for those of you that are interested ..go to

This article gives some very interesting tips.

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