Saturday, June 02, 2007

How to use your own Aloe Vera

1. If you have Aloe Vera growing in your garden. Can you use it?
There are over 200 different varieties of Aloe but only a few are known to produce medicinal benefits particularly with reference to internal use. The variety to look for is Barbadensis Miller.

How to prepare the Aloe?
The "gel fillet" is the part you want. The other parts can be toxic depending on your health and are used in laxative products......great if you looking for a laxative !!

How much should you take?
Aloe is a plant and therefore a food source. So it shouldn't cause you any problems unless you are allergic. To test if you are allergic this link should help:
I would be inclined to start eating a small amount (say 1/2 inch block of the inner gel) and increase the amount every 3 or 4 days until your "poo" gets soft or runny and then ease back to the amount you were consuming before.... hope this makes sense.? This is the only disadvantage I know... a soft poo when you take too much. On a lighter note it is amazing how quick you can locate a toilet, even in unfamiliar territory!!

What is the best way to eat it?
I agree eating "Raw Aloe" can be pretty disgusting. Mixing with other foods is okay. You can pretty much use your imagination. As Aloe is a food personal taste and common sense are usually as good a guide as you need.

If you do not want to go to all that trouble; you can buy alove Vera ready to drink from

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