Saturday, January 19, 2013

Aloe Vera for a Burnt Mouth

Most people are aware that Aloe Vera will heal burns but did you know that you can also drink it as a health drink! Aloe Vera in this form is not only a health tonic but cannot also be used to help heal burns internally. For instance, if you drink very hot coffee or any other hot drink and burn your month, then just take a swill of Aloe Vera for about 30 seconds before swallowing and it will find that it will do the trick.


Larry King said...

Also eat a healthy diet, lots of foods with vitamin e and A. Try using aloe vera and drinking aloe vera juice. good luck.

Aloe Vera Benefits said...

Wow, never heard of it. But I think there is a scientific explanation about why it relieves burnt mouth since it has soothing effects. Thank you for sharing this though.